So my car broke down. On the side of i-5 on my way to Ashland. If you were on the freeway between 9 and 10pm on Monday night you probably saw me waving. I'll chalk it up as irony that my cell phone had just bee-bee-beeped its powering down tone just as i hung up with my inibriated cousin to come and help. A rather nice guy pulled over and let me use his cell phone and I got towed to my shop.
Turns out something EGR related to my car, idle and cruise, I don't know, but needless to type it kind of ruined my evening. Then I went home, smoked bowls ( i lost count after 8) and went to bed. How lame, hawh!
Happy halloween to me... wish I could have met you guys.
Turns out something EGR related to my car, idle and cruise, I don't know, but needless to type it kind of ruined my evening. Then I went home, smoked bowls ( i lost count after 8) and went to bed. How lame, hawh!
Happy halloween to me... wish I could have met you guys.

Hrm.. anytime you wanna host a SG party, I'm down!!