random ramblings... from Aaron... made me go "hmmmm" then HAHAHA!...
Dear Gwen Stefani,
Your new clothing line is too fucking expensive. I firmly believe I should get to fuck you if I pay $148 for your tacky ass gold shoes. You used to inspire, but now you just annoy. Good luck with your asian posse... oh, and welcome to Sell-Out Land, sugar, you fit right in!
<3 Aaron
didn't you used to be in a band, or something?
Dear Gwen Stefani,
Your new clothing line is too fucking expensive. I firmly believe I should get to fuck you if I pay $148 for your tacky ass gold shoes. You used to inspire, but now you just annoy. Good luck with your asian posse... oh, and welcome to Sell-Out Land, sugar, you fit right in!
<3 Aaron
didn't you used to be in a band, or something?

eagle point! what's a super cute gal like you doing in a place like that?