Saturday Apr 16, 2005 Apr 16, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Bike rides. All day long. That's all that matters. Now all I need is to learn more tricks. arete: my ass hurts. and my arms. we never named our bikes. teach me to do tricks by bribing me with candy Apr 16, 2005 lili2: Hehe im glad you are making time for yourself. And how jealous I am that YOU get to play with Arete and bribe her with candy. seeesh lol its 6:30am DO U KNOW WHY LILI2 IS AWAKE? Cuz i dont. Let eat mcdix kkkk Apr 16, 2005
its 6:30am DO U KNOW WHY LILI2 IS AWAKE? Cuz i dont. Let eat mcdix kkkk