It's been a while since my last entry, and so already I've failed at what I told myself I would keep up. It occured to me a while back that I'm not a celebrity, and therefore nobody really cares what I think.
But it just occured to me recently that pretending to be celebrated can be fun; and so I'll pretend like everyone on this site will read all my posts and think I am funny. Excellent, it's all falling into place.
For the past few months, I've been involved with teaching a third year film course at the University of Winnipeg. It's been lots of fun, and part of my job has been to film a documentary about the class, that will serve part as a promotional film to score points with potential students, as well as be a special feature "Making Of" film on the DVD of the film the class has been working on.
It's been going well, and I have several hours of footage that I've been cutting together for the past few weeks. But lately I've run into a kink. This kink involves a small plush sheep.
This small plush sheep, about two inches tall and three inches long, started out as a prop for the main feature. But it has become so much more.
It has become a small side project... ... a stop animated story about a plush sheep walking in no particular direction all over a house.
There is no end in sight... and I fear this plush sheep will be the end of me. Or at least the end of the documentary, and my job.
But look at him, he's so cute!
P.S. I thought you might be interested to know that the sheep is sitting right next to me on my desk, staring me in the eye and watching my every move as I type this entry. I'd best be careful how I speak of it... or else he might be insulted.
But it just occured to me recently that pretending to be celebrated can be fun; and so I'll pretend like everyone on this site will read all my posts and think I am funny. Excellent, it's all falling into place.
For the past few months, I've been involved with teaching a third year film course at the University of Winnipeg. It's been lots of fun, and part of my job has been to film a documentary about the class, that will serve part as a promotional film to score points with potential students, as well as be a special feature "Making Of" film on the DVD of the film the class has been working on.
It's been going well, and I have several hours of footage that I've been cutting together for the past few weeks. But lately I've run into a kink. This kink involves a small plush sheep.
This small plush sheep, about two inches tall and three inches long, started out as a prop for the main feature. But it has become so much more.
It has become a small side project... ... a stop animated story about a plush sheep walking in no particular direction all over a house.
There is no end in sight... and I fear this plush sheep will be the end of me. Or at least the end of the documentary, and my job.
But look at him, he's so cute!

P.S. I thought you might be interested to know that the sheep is sitting right next to me on my desk, staring me in the eye and watching my every move as I type this entry. I'd best be careful how I speak of it... or else he might be insulted.
I need to learn that trick...
(Perhaps it is the sheep that is making the entry, and it is flanting its triumph over you by changing your profile pic to your recently sheep slaughtered corpse. insidious.)