Hello world, hello boobies! This site is bigger and better than I ever thought!
Interesting things recently:
Saw politicians talking referring to "feral youths" hanging around in gangs, apparently being brought up by skally parents can now be compared publicly to being brought up by dogs...
A nice chap stopped the bus for me when I was running and looking foolish by standing on the threshold for a couple second extra. Should have bought him a cup of tea but didnt cause I'm a pussy.
Got invitation to graduate (hurrah!), but found out its compulsory to wear the gowns and to pay 37.50 for the privelidge. I feel like an indignant sixth former again.
Completed plans to go to the hat museum! Yes thats right a museum entirely devoted to hats!
Anything interesting happened to anyone else recently?
Oh and Hello everyone! by the way
Feral xx
Interesting things recently:
Saw politicians talking referring to "feral youths" hanging around in gangs, apparently being brought up by skally parents can now be compared publicly to being brought up by dogs...
A nice chap stopped the bus for me when I was running and looking foolish by standing on the threshold for a couple second extra. Should have bought him a cup of tea but didnt cause I'm a pussy.
Got invitation to graduate (hurrah!), but found out its compulsory to wear the gowns and to pay 37.50 for the privelidge. I feel like an indignant sixth former again.
Completed plans to go to the hat museum! Yes thats right a museum entirely devoted to hats!
Anything interesting happened to anyone else recently?
Oh and Hello everyone! by the way
Feral xx
The Ferals rocked. You missed out!