Without rambling on like a twerp, things are really good at the moment. I've not been so happy in a long time. I'll save the specifics for my paper journal and my addled brain 
Here's my life at the moment in pictures

i've been working a lot, it's not a glamorous job but the people are great and the money is ever so handy

i do get paid a little more than 5 cents!

uni has started back and my classes all seem really good

biggles is still a wedge headed git, but at least he's got a friend to annoy sometimes (read: be submissive and pathetic)

Saffy rules the roost and my shoulders and is just a little bundle of happy personality

mint slices make me smile
The rest, is for my brain cavities. I hope everyone is well. I don't have a day off now til August 11th, but I'm happy with that. It's keeping me out of trouble

Here's my life at the moment in pictures

i've been working a lot, it's not a glamorous job but the people are great and the money is ever so handy

i do get paid a little more than 5 cents!

uni has started back and my classes all seem really good

biggles is still a wedge headed git, but at least he's got a friend to annoy sometimes (read: be submissive and pathetic)

Saffy rules the roost and my shoulders and is just a little bundle of happy personality

mint slices make me smile
The rest, is for my brain cavities. I hope everyone is well. I don't have a day off now til August 11th, but I'm happy with that. It's keeping me out of trouble

Hey sweety pie honey bunch!!
Do Biggles and Saffy get on well? Has Biggles quietened down with company around? Hope you are well, thanks for the text message

Biggles is exceptionally cute.