I went to Vegas last weekend to see my cousin and his Croatian wife. We stayed in the Sahara. It was a lot of fun.
I won $100 at craps. I love craps. It is such a social game. You can tell so much about a person by the way they bet. I've been playing for quite a while, and these are the life lessons I have derived from craps. Enjoy...
All I Really Need to Know I Learned In Vegas
Playing Craps?
What you bring to the table determines what youre going to take away from the table
Dont shoot when a lot of people are betting dont pass
Understand when you can properly deal with a dont pass better and when to walk away.
Youll have a much longer run when you shoot for others
The right kind of energy can turn a table hot
The wrong kind of energy can turn a table cold
Dont let anyone break your state
Never underestimate the power of sexual energy
Dont confuse random excitement with focused energy/intent
Add your skills incrementally
Parlay your winnings
Get the dealers in the game
Allow it to happen
Be willing to risk for others
Help others believe in themselves
Trust your instincts
Have fun!
I won $100 at craps. I love craps. It is such a social game. You can tell so much about a person by the way they bet. I've been playing for quite a while, and these are the life lessons I have derived from craps. Enjoy...
All I Really Need to Know I Learned In Vegas
Playing Craps?
What you bring to the table determines what youre going to take away from the table
Dont shoot when a lot of people are betting dont pass
Understand when you can properly deal with a dont pass better and when to walk away.
Youll have a much longer run when you shoot for others
The right kind of energy can turn a table hot
The wrong kind of energy can turn a table cold
Dont let anyone break your state
Never underestimate the power of sexual energy
Dont confuse random excitement with focused energy/intent
Add your skills incrementally
Parlay your winnings
Get the dealers in the game
Allow it to happen
Be willing to risk for others
Help others believe in themselves
Trust your instincts
Have fun!
He's in the Republic of Korea...