Going home for the weekend for Father's Day. Going to a Murder Mystery Dinner thing tonight. Going to a meeting of my writing group on monday. Good busy weekend.
I have ALWAYS wanted to go to a mystery dinner theatre!! I want to write my own script and throw one here at my house. I can write for shit, tho. But I think it would be more fun if I wrote a script based on my real life friends.
and what is that picture of on your profile? its so cool!!
ha. That was my way of saying I've been way too busy for anything lately. I got the most awesomest apartment ever.. It takes a lot of work to get your house hunting ducks in a row.
I'm having cable internet (I havd DSL, bleh, now) installed the day I move in.
Thursday: Naam for Tiamat, Good.
Friday: MrDeity Came up from Seattle. Nice to see him. Ate at Dv8.
Saturday: Beach party. A bust, It rained.
Sunday: MrDeity left.
Oh and the weather has been SHITTY!
I bet I will be in a better mood tomorrow. I am going to go and get temp labour work. If I can't get a job I might... Read More
Wow that was a busy and good SG weekend. Friday and Saturday Me and Angelvanilla got together with Yawg who was over from Victoria. We went for All you can eat sushi at Richmond Sushi for lunch. yummy.
Then on monday was the SG van local get together.... for all you can eat sushi. Topbanana66 and Freakchef were there and we had a very good... Read More
I bought myself a Japanese cookbook while I was in Biloxi, Mississippi last time. I want to learn how to make sushi, until I can get back to the states and eat it all the time. By the way, Memento is a fucking awesome movie. Although the guy that plays the lead looks just like an ex of mine and it creeps me the fuck out, so I don't watch it as often as I would like.
He sat in the early dawn and smoked. He could feel the nicotine drifting into his soul making his karma cancerous, but he puffed again. Alone with your thoughts. Sometimes that meant you were truly alone but for him it never did. He could live a lifetime in a thought. And he hated the him that he was alone with. This was the him that... Read More
The word of the day was attribution.
I liked retribution better. So when I went to her house it was with this in mind. I could only be shit on so many times. I walked up the cement steps to her front door a tirade of bile hidden just behind my lips. I pressed on the doorbell and it made its far to pleasant chime,... Read More
Rage is futile when cronfronted by kindness, especially when the one who's angry has got a conscience. She sounds really nice. Loved your reply at the end. I asked a few freinds over the years what they planned on doing with the courses they were taking and that was generally the answer they gave me too.
I have ALWAYS wanted to go to a mystery dinner theatre!! I want to write my own script and throw one here at my house. I can write for shit, tho. But I think it would be more fun if I wrote a script based on my real life friends.
and what is that picture of on your profile? its so cool!!
have fun at the dinner theatre. i acted in one once, and they are awesome.