While rushing out to get a haircut before the Lotus in Vancouver dinner dealy I locked myself out of my parents house.
I got my haircut then went to see the neighbour that used to have a spare key. No one home. My brother it turns out has gone to a ski hill for the week or something. I phoned my grandmother to see if she had a key still. No dice.
I drove to my Aunt's house to see if she did. I knew she didn't before I went but damn it I needed to see a friendly face. I decided that I was going to break into my own home. My Aunt supplied some gear.
I went home with the gear. The Neighbour was home. I sped into her driveway and ran up the steps. The husband and children were home but none of them new where the key was. It was the Mother that knew. So I drove home and with a complicated rig involving wires and lasers and stuff I broke into my home.
Now I am ready to go out and have dinner with Lotus and the Vancity Crew. Good times.
So it seems the way to have good visits with my Relatives is to not set anything up and have weird crap happen. I am going to see my Grandmother tomorrow and fix an Uncle's Compy.

I got my haircut then went to see the neighbour that used to have a spare key. No one home. My brother it turns out has gone to a ski hill for the week or something. I phoned my grandmother to see if she had a key still. No dice.

I drove to my Aunt's house to see if she did. I knew she didn't before I went but damn it I needed to see a friendly face. I decided that I was going to break into my own home. My Aunt supplied some gear.

I went home with the gear. The Neighbour was home. I sped into her driveway and ran up the steps. The husband and children were home but none of them new where the key was. It was the Mother that knew. So I drove home and with a complicated rig involving wires and lasers and stuff I broke into my home.

Now I am ready to go out and have dinner with Lotus and the Vancity Crew. Good times.

So it seems the way to have good visits with my Relatives is to not set anything up and have weird crap happen. I am going to see my Grandmother tomorrow and fix an Uncle's Compy.

I love you.