Man.. I have never seen plans fall apart so totally in one day.
One of my crew down to Prom got fucked over by her work and so can't come. One of my crew is, well, missing.
I think she is stranded somewhere in vancouver. But she might still be back over in Victoria, I am not totally sure even now. We waited a good four extra hours hoping we could contact the missing member.
So on the Seattle leg of the journey it was me and Lemonkid and thats it. If that was it I would be shrugging this off and on my way no problem... but of course there is more.
On the trip down we were stopped at the boarder. I was not totally suprised I figured they wanted to make a quick search of the car for drugs and thats it. Nope. The wanted to ask us the same questions over and over again for nearly an hour. It was my fault. I was nervous and the one guy thought that I was being coerced or kidnapped by Lemonkid, I think. Finally AFTER they quizzed us and asked Lemonkid about a non existant trip to Alaska... after all that then they searched the car. gah.
Am I done? Hell no.
Finally after six we are highway driving in the country we want to be in. The drive is great the sun is still up, I-5 is nearly empty and we are just flying. going about 70-85 miles an hour passing people, just good driving. So in along near Everett we hear this noise... Sounded like a rock had been flung up by a truck that passed us and hit us. We kept driving. Very shortly some guys in a greenish pickup waved very vigourously at us. They were pointing at our tires. Well we slowed down moved over to the slow lane and took the next exit, into everett. Right away there was an Arco station which we pulled into. We got out and looked and the rear passenger side tire was flat and ragged. The noise that sounded like a rock must have been it blowing out.
Well I get out the gear to change the tire. The shitty jack and donut replacement that came with the car when it was new and I am like... Wheres the tire iron? Now I have since figured out that the jack handle also serves as a hex key for taking the tire off but well I was kind of frazzled right then. So I call AAA. Just before the trip Angelvanilla MADE me get a premier membership to CAA the canadian version of AAA. At the time I was not too happy with it cause well it cost way more than I could afford. THANK GOD she bullied me into buying it. I owe her like ten sorrys and a couple of dinners or something. Anyways I ask triple A to tow me into Seattle. When the tow truck gets in he convinces me that the best bet is just to put on the donut spare. So he does and we drive into Seattle at like 50 or 60 mph max. Nine thirty down by Pikes market me and Lemonkid part ways.
So I phone up MrDeity and drive back out to his place. Thank god for him. He kicks ass. He even walked out to the QFC near his place when I got lost and called him from there. So thats whose computer I am typing this on too. Of course he didn't know that it was only me now and was suprised. He had expected me and two hot chicks... too bad hmm? he even took me to a nice place to get a burger called Dick's. But your intrepid traveller is safe for the time being.
Thats not even it though.
My place to stay and dude to hang out with Articulus in SF is not going to be in SF. Bad things have happened to him and he won't be around for a bit. Go leave him a nice message or something I think he needs all the support he can get right now.
So this means I need a nice place to stay in SF and I have an extra ticket to sell, his. I already found someone for Angelvanilla's ticket and I don't know what is going on with the last member or her ticket yet.
Oh and day two went a little better. I replaced my blown tire. I hung around Pikes trying to contact people and generally failing. I am certain that I SAW supremepizzaman but I never said anything and so he walked on by. I hung out in a web cafe for a bit then hit the road kinda late. I drove at top speeds to portland I absolutly love the speed you call 85. I got to Portland rather late and had some trouble finding where I was staying at trudrew's place. I got to pirates at about 11.30 or twelve. Just in time to see Anais leave. I got my hug though so I am happy. I was really glad she came out and kinda sad I didn't get there sooner to spend a little more time with her. Pirates was fun. The monkeyhippo was there and I got to hang out and drink and answer various humourous questions about canadians. Then ryan gave me a ride back to drew's.
Update: Of my three tickets to prom I have gotten rid of two. I might not be getting rid of the third one now. My tickets to peaches in SF have not been sold.
See you all soon hmm?

One of my crew down to Prom got fucked over by her work and so can't come. One of my crew is, well, missing.
I think she is stranded somewhere in vancouver. But she might still be back over in Victoria, I am not totally sure even now. We waited a good four extra hours hoping we could contact the missing member.
So on the Seattle leg of the journey it was me and Lemonkid and thats it. If that was it I would be shrugging this off and on my way no problem... but of course there is more.
On the trip down we were stopped at the boarder. I was not totally suprised I figured they wanted to make a quick search of the car for drugs and thats it. Nope. The wanted to ask us the same questions over and over again for nearly an hour. It was my fault. I was nervous and the one guy thought that I was being coerced or kidnapped by Lemonkid, I think. Finally AFTER they quizzed us and asked Lemonkid about a non existant trip to Alaska... after all that then they searched the car. gah.
Am I done? Hell no.
Finally after six we are highway driving in the country we want to be in. The drive is great the sun is still up, I-5 is nearly empty and we are just flying. going about 70-85 miles an hour passing people, just good driving. So in along near Everett we hear this noise... Sounded like a rock had been flung up by a truck that passed us and hit us. We kept driving. Very shortly some guys in a greenish pickup waved very vigourously at us. They were pointing at our tires. Well we slowed down moved over to the slow lane and took the next exit, into everett. Right away there was an Arco station which we pulled into. We got out and looked and the rear passenger side tire was flat and ragged. The noise that sounded like a rock must have been it blowing out.
Well I get out the gear to change the tire. The shitty jack and donut replacement that came with the car when it was new and I am like... Wheres the tire iron? Now I have since figured out that the jack handle also serves as a hex key for taking the tire off but well I was kind of frazzled right then. So I call AAA. Just before the trip Angelvanilla MADE me get a premier membership to CAA the canadian version of AAA. At the time I was not too happy with it cause well it cost way more than I could afford. THANK GOD she bullied me into buying it. I owe her like ten sorrys and a couple of dinners or something. Anyways I ask triple A to tow me into Seattle. When the tow truck gets in he convinces me that the best bet is just to put on the donut spare. So he does and we drive into Seattle at like 50 or 60 mph max. Nine thirty down by Pikes market me and Lemonkid part ways.
So I phone up MrDeity and drive back out to his place. Thank god for him. He kicks ass. He even walked out to the QFC near his place when I got lost and called him from there. So thats whose computer I am typing this on too. Of course he didn't know that it was only me now and was suprised. He had expected me and two hot chicks... too bad hmm? he even took me to a nice place to get a burger called Dick's. But your intrepid traveller is safe for the time being.
Thats not even it though.
My place to stay and dude to hang out with Articulus in SF is not going to be in SF. Bad things have happened to him and he won't be around for a bit. Go leave him a nice message or something I think he needs all the support he can get right now.
So this means I need a nice place to stay in SF and I have an extra ticket to sell, his. I already found someone for Angelvanilla's ticket and I don't know what is going on with the last member or her ticket yet.
Oh and day two went a little better. I replaced my blown tire. I hung around Pikes trying to contact people and generally failing. I am certain that I SAW supremepizzaman but I never said anything and so he walked on by. I hung out in a web cafe for a bit then hit the road kinda late. I drove at top speeds to portland I absolutly love the speed you call 85. I got to Portland rather late and had some trouble finding where I was staying at trudrew's place. I got to pirates at about 11.30 or twelve. Just in time to see Anais leave. I got my hug though so I am happy. I was really glad she came out and kinda sad I didn't get there sooner to spend a little more time with her. Pirates was fun. The monkeyhippo was there and I got to hang out and drink and answer various humourous questions about canadians. Then ryan gave me a ride back to drew's.
Update: Of my three tickets to prom I have gotten rid of two. I might not be getting rid of the third one now. My tickets to peaches in SF have not been sold.
See you all soon hmm?
[Edited on May 14, 2004 10:13PM]