Christmas time.... how dull.
Well nevermind I will have fun on christmas eve with my family. I shouldn't have come on here at three in the morning. Thats what it is.
Three in the morning.... how dull.
1.Would you rather be blind, deaf or stupid?
2.Would you rather die in a train wreck or a bus plunge?
3. Would you rather have eternal life or a billion dollars?
3. Is it worse to put one of these quiz things up or to answer them which just encourages their creation.
Me first:
1. Blind, I have been deaf and I have been stupid so Blind.
2. Bus plunge. I want the horrible sense of doom and the weightless freefall rather that a sudden demise.
3. Eternal life I could always invest a nickel in a bank and have a billion dollars eventually
4. Create them. I mean I feel like I have lost a part of my soul.
Update: 6.14 am and I just finished Anne Rice's Blackwood Farm. Good book, If you like her Vampires get it. If you like her witches? GET IT NOW.
Well nevermind I will have fun on christmas eve with my family. I shouldn't have come on here at three in the morning. Thats what it is.
Three in the morning.... how dull.
1.Would you rather be blind, deaf or stupid?
2.Would you rather die in a train wreck or a bus plunge?
3. Would you rather have eternal life or a billion dollars?
3. Is it worse to put one of these quiz things up or to answer them which just encourages their creation.
Me first:
1. Blind, I have been deaf and I have been stupid so Blind.
2. Bus plunge. I want the horrible sense of doom and the weightless freefall rather that a sudden demise.
3. Eternal life I could always invest a nickel in a bank and have a billion dollars eventually
4. Create them. I mean I feel like I have lost a part of my soul.
Update: 6.14 am and I just finished Anne Rice's Blackwood Farm. Good book, If you like her Vampires get it. If you like her witches? GET IT NOW.
2. train wreck. i think you'd have enough time to see the cars in front of you derail, or at least hear them before you actually die. get that couple seconds of euphoria before death. or it could be dread, i guess.
3. billion dollars. i think i would get tired of life eventually. what if you try to kill yourself but you don't die? oh wouldn't know what to do.
4. worse to put them up. fuck, you did both! double worse for you, i guess?
hope your holidays pick up with less boredom. whenever i'm bored on someone else's computer i usually go to and waste time with a couple of their games.
bus plunge could possibly drown
eternal life i get to kill people and suck blood right?
its worse to answer them i hate myself