Well earaches are gone. Disney is gone. Back to hockey, I am now the shop steward for my department. Shop steward is an unpayed union position that just entails helping my coworkers with their problems. You would think that they would be happy to have one after a number of years without one but... some of my coworkers are angry and resentful for some reason. bah
I am reading Pattern Recognition, William Gibson's first non science fiction novel. I think it is still cyberpunk but essentially that we have caught up with his future. It is a masterpiece, I had heard that it was his best work thus far and I am starting to think that might be the case.
I am so looking forward to the SG van event on the thirteenth. I am even going to have a digital camera by then so I can put up some pictures.
I am reading Pattern Recognition, William Gibson's first non science fiction novel. I think it is still cyberpunk but essentially that we have caught up with his future. It is a masterpiece, I had heard that it was his best work thus far and I am starting to think that might be the case.
I am so looking forward to the SG van event on the thirteenth. I am even going to have a digital camera by then so I can put up some pictures.

Hope youre doing well.