Horrible BOOK THING is almost done. And the closer the fucker gets to done the slower it feels.
That said have had an awesome summer, and fall hasn't been too bad. I'm posting here so infrequently I think in seasons not months.
Went down to PDX for an event called esozone which I ended up mc'ing one of the two rooms and talking on a couple of panels. Very cool art + culture + magic event that included panels on crazy things, art on display, live art creation, dramatic ritual, djs, bands... it was a fucking BLAST. Talked to other authors, musicians, artists and even a publisher. Well worth it for the networking alone. Flickr Slideshow
Then I took a train from Portland, Oregon to Troy, New York a cool college town near Albany. I stayed there with my Co-Author and got the bulk of the work of turning the piles of paper we had into a book.
Now I'm back to my old job being paid to be at concerts and hockey games. And the slow sloggy part of writing. rewrites and edits.
That said have had an awesome summer, and fall hasn't been too bad. I'm posting here so infrequently I think in seasons not months.
Went down to PDX for an event called esozone which I ended up mc'ing one of the two rooms and talking on a couple of panels. Very cool art + culture + magic event that included panels on crazy things, art on display, live art creation, dramatic ritual, djs, bands... it was a fucking BLAST. Talked to other authors, musicians, artists and even a publisher. Well worth it for the networking alone. Flickr Slideshow
Then I took a train from Portland, Oregon to Troy, New York a cool college town near Albany. I stayed there with my Co-Author and got the bulk of the work of turning the piles of paper we had into a book.
Now I'm back to my old job being paid to be at concerts and hockey games. And the slow sloggy part of writing. rewrites and edits.
Merry Xmas!