I've given it a while, I've given it the benefit of the doubt.
I REALLY don't like the new site layout.
It loads really slow, all the flash and graphics.
and then when it does load I have to go through about three or four pages to get to what I want to see.
What happened to SG view, I used to be able to see my comments right off the bat.
I used to be able to make one click and see all the recent journal entries of my friends. Or one to see a bunch of friends threads.
I used to be able to make one click and see every group I'm in and all the action in them and then there was space at the end for other groups. Now my groups are on THREE fucking pages.
Groups are going to shrivel up and die because no one will look at them on page three.
Plus the colour scheme is fucking ugly.
I basically haven't been on the site at all since the change over.
However, I've discovered a solution that makes it much easier for me. RSS feeds.
Thank god for RSS.
I've given it a while, I've given it the benefit of the doubt.
I REALLY don't like the new site layout.
It loads really slow, all the flash and graphics.
and then when it does load I have to go through about three or four pages to get to what I want to see.
What happened to SG view, I used to be able to see my comments right off the bat.
I used to be able to make one click and see all the recent journal entries of my friends. Or one to see a bunch of friends threads.
I used to be able to make one click and see every group I'm in and all the action in them and then there was space at the end for other groups. Now my groups are on THREE fucking pages.
Groups are going to shrivel up and die because no one will look at them on page three.
Plus the colour scheme is fucking ugly.
I basically haven't been on the site at all since the change over.
However, I've discovered a solution that makes it much easier for me. RSS feeds.
Thank god for RSS.
its awsome you should see it.
you should see it with me so i can tell you all the designers and models that made cameos,
and i can tell you how much those shoes really cost,
or the scarfs that go flying in the street
my friends and i GASPED when they flew.
it was one of the most scariest things i have ever seen in a movie.