I don't really have anything of value to say... So I'll type up a story Idea/character sketch I wrote.
The Deconstructive Detective
Once upon a time I was going to be a literature professor but now somehow I was a cop, a detective. That is a story I've pulled apart too many times to put back together for you. The skills of that former life applied to my new vocation. Every witness or suspect lies to you, even if they don't mean to. They apply structure to the chaos of events so it makes sense to them, they tell a story. I then pull apart their tales to create fragments. Each piece has to be judged separatly and as part of the whole. Pull enough fragments from enough statements and the traces of evidence from the scene and I create a new story, telling me who the author of the crime was. This story is then typed up and called a final report.
The Deconstructive Detective
Once upon a time I was going to be a literature professor but now somehow I was a cop, a detective. That is a story I've pulled apart too many times to put back together for you. The skills of that former life applied to my new vocation. Every witness or suspect lies to you, even if they don't mean to. They apply structure to the chaos of events so it makes sense to them, they tell a story. I then pull apart their tales to create fragments. Each piece has to be judged separatly and as part of the whole. Pull enough fragments from enough statements and the traces of evidence from the scene and I create a new story, telling me who the author of the crime was. This story is then typed up and called a final report.
I'm WAY too poor to make a habit of it.

tantric.... and HARRY POTTER