All connected in some way with the great object of his mind they slid across his retinas and before that his eyes and before that the window. Outside the world moved, cars driving pushing their way to pointless self-validating goals. It was all ego gratification and busy work to avoid the empty horror that he now faced.
There was no point.
His mind cast about for a reason to continue the torture or even a reason to end it. He could find neither so he sat. He watched the play and bustle of the ordinary buffoons going about their daily routines and their pageantry of lies. He considered how easy ending the faade would be he could walk into the bathroom and select some combo of pills that would end his life or he could cut his wrists and bleed his doom down the bath drain. He could even go out among them and throw himself in front of one of their dreadful cars but the fools would not see his bold protest and the meaning of his statement. So he sat and beheld the flickering majesty of Hell.
There was no point.
His mind cast about for a reason to continue the torture or even a reason to end it. He could find neither so he sat. He watched the play and bustle of the ordinary buffoons going about their daily routines and their pageantry of lies. He considered how easy ending the faade would be he could walk into the bathroom and select some combo of pills that would end his life or he could cut his wrists and bleed his doom down the bath drain. He could even go out among them and throw himself in front of one of their dreadful cars but the fools would not see his bold protest and the meaning of his statement. So he sat and beheld the flickering majesty of Hell.
i just cant stand happy endings.
as soon as i get a fully fuctioning computer in here [my studio has 3 half functioning puters] i will indeed repost those pix. along with many many others.![biggrin](