More being paid to see concerts. This time I was paid to see The Depeche Mode concert. Fun. I also got to see Lavinia there.
Also got together with peeps at Doolins and the Morrisey. Both very fun. I have a couple of picture from the Doolins event but some of you might remember how slow I am to get those uploaded.
Also got together with peeps at Doolins and the Morrisey. Both very fun. I have a couple of picture from the Doolins event but some of you might remember how slow I am to get those uploaded.
I don't know if this would fly...But I was thinking of when the 'blahs' hit round here...(are we there yet?) to invite whomever wishes to imbibe in some Absinth, a Killer Home Theatre, and 400 Horror fliks to choose from, But I don't know if it would fly...
But Yes, OI concurr, I would REALLY like to catch SOMETHING going on...(especially since I know at least YOU will talk to me!)