So, last night, in the shower (where the reflections and deep thoughts about the origins of life and the universe take place), I was asking myself a question. Here's my situation; I am a Wiccan, I believe in Karma, in the Rule of Three, good and bad energies affecting on you and your life, etc... and I found myself wondering; WHAT IF something you have NO control on and is implying you (see, I'm not talking about hunger in africa or something like that) BUT still; this situation is bad for someone else AND you kinda take pleasure out of this 'misfortune', does it make you a bad person? See, the best example I can come with is: you've been in love with that guy for a long time and he never wanted you. Now, he wants you and you don't anymore; this situation kinda makes me feel powerful, and you know... it rejoices me to know that now he's feeling the pain I've been through (like a payback, but a payback you never asked for, it just happened)... I mean that would definitely be bad if it was something I had control on, but it's not the case... I never intended for him to fall in love with me (even though I would've liked it to happen when I was fond of him.. hehe... but shit happens), this kind of things happen everyday and it's nobody's fault... So is feeling good about it making you a bad person or giving you a bad karma? Is it considered as 'looking at a situation positively' OR just being happy about someone else's pain? Cause like I said, the 'pain' he'd be going through is not intentional, it's not the conclusion of something I made.. or whatever... so if someone could help me out with that one, it would be appreciated haha.
Anyways, do YOU consider yourself as a good or bad person?