Ahhh... Winter you're such a fucking endless depressing season, here in Quebec. You're getting me depressed, procrastinating for everything, chronically tired AND lazy as fuck! + you're so cold I don't want to go out, so I just stay inside my little cave! ;_;
I can't wait for you to let spring come back, and then summer. ♥
I hope I'll have a great summer and that I will not be working too much because I really want to have time for my projects! Need to make my cosplay for the Comic con!!! I think that for this year's Con, I will cosplay Jinx from League of Legends. I'm not so sure. Anyways, here, have a picture of me as Misty! xD I think I will wear my Misty's cosplay for one of my future sets, in like a sexy way! :o
Anywayyyyys, hope you guys are doing fine! :) xxx