Unfortunately it seems our half-witted roadtrip Eastbound (to Ukraine) will have to be postponed until next year due to bad economy right now. So.. we might do something crazier and drive to Uzbekistan and back just to say hello to a friend smile

If someone would care to sponsor us with a Hummer, feel free to do so. wink Otherwise it's Volvo 240 power all the way wink
Diggity doggity, bliggity bloggity!

Long time, no update. Had a great time in California and Vegas for christmas and new year
Great.. my stereo has had a seizure. I don't feel like replacing my 30+ year old yet tongue
Yay.. monday funday!
....who am i trying to fool? tongue
Blah.. felt like crap last night but it feels like the nasty cold is finally beginning to give in.

*runs off to blow his nose*
Y helo thar! Can I haz cheeseburgr? smile
Welcome to the site!