So I made it into the MVP tournament in my pool league again (about my 6th time). I'm not even sure how because my skill level went from a 3 to a 5 (out of 7) in a matter of two seasons so my games have been wishywashy. The higher the skill level the more games you need to win. Anyways point is I can't sleep, it's 2am and practice is at 9am. I'm just so nervous about playing as a 5 in a singles tournament because so much more is expected of me and I play like shit in the morning! Who wants to play pool at 9am? Not a pool playing insomniac I tell you. But I'm just gonna have to stay positive and confident and kick some ass. I'll try to get some footage and pics! Wish me luck guys! 🎱🎱🎱
P.S I so want a tattoo of a bright red rose with an 8 ball in the middle of my bridge hand. soon enough (when I'm not broke of course).