i just dont know what to do anymore. i do love her but i don't know that it is the right kind of love. she is beautiful, intelegent, and interesting. yet there still seems to be something missing. i don't know. this whole situation just tears me apart. 

I wouldnt' neccesarily say that any questioning means it's not right. I've gone through a really rough patch myself and most people probably wouldnt' have stayed, but I have so far and things are still good. I think the major reason is communication. I know it sounds cliche, but it is so true. How can you have a happy life with someone if you don't let them know exactly how you feel. How long have you been with her. Maybe it's just infactuation. You should let her know something is up, so if you do decide it's not the right decision for you both, she won't be completely shocked and hate you. At lease she'll know you tried. Good Luck. Love Stinks!!!!