I'm offically moved in with Tom for the summer, and I can say, without question, I've rarely been happier. If we discount food-related bliss, I'll even maybe kinda sorta venture a never. So uh, whoo hoo, googly love eyes, and some of that other girl crap. New Jersey ain't half bad. It beats the hell out of Virginia Beach in the summer, that's for sure.
In the meantime however, his computer is kinda slow so I'll probably still be somewhat absent for now. I swear I'm going to get responses out to my comments eventually, but I think I'm in far too deep to ever catch up with all the friends' journal entries I've missed, so I leave to all of you - friends, enemies, buddies, pals, accquaintances, confidants, stalkers, and stalkees - the responsibilities of catching me up. I really want to know what's going on in all your lives. Tell me everything big or anything small that's gone on with you in the past month or so.
I am finally wrapping up all the pillows that I need to send out to to people. If I still owe you a pillow, please leave me a comment and/or send me an email just in case I've lost track of you. Odds are, I'm working on yours, but I just want to make sure no one falls through the cracks. Je suis le plus scatterbrained quelquetemps.
Oh, and for those who missed it when I began and have subsequently expressed confusion at my consistent journal entry punctuation of a bald man and a number, it's my countdown until my best buddy unfound returns from the wild blue yonder of Navy duty in Europe.
Speaking of which...
148 days!
Please come back.