Okay, a picture-laden update pour vous!
School is keeping me really busy right now, hence my relative absence. I've been trying to keep up with comments, but miss having time to read people's journals...but hey, at least I'm managing to prioritize!
I finished my calligraphy final project, doing water colors on rice paper was much trickier than I thought it would be. Oh well, it gets the Official Fenchurch Seal of Damn Good Enough:
My drawing final project is coming along well, aside from the fact that it's due on Thursday (aaaahhhh, etc.) The piece of paper we have to do it on is fucking MASSIVE. It's so awkward to draw on. So anyway I still have about 3/5 of it to finish, but this part came out all right:
(progression, whoo!)
Hershey Park last weekend was fucking awesome. Muchos gracias to SteveNeurotic for setting the whole thing up.
The highlights of the day:
At some point during my spastic schoolworkings, I found the time for a frosty cold beer!
Clearly, I am very excited.
Equally clear, I must have been more drunk than I remember being, because I absolutely do not recall this picture, in which I am roaring with joy at my beer, a la post-haircut Isadora:
And speaking of my very bestest buddies the unstoppable VA SG duo of doom, here, by popular demand, are the Star Wars sandals given to me by the awesomest Payless employee who ever awesomed, Antimony:
(not apparent in picture: Light saber does in fact appear to emerge from Vader's wang. Yes, yes, it's all very Spaceballs.)
We finished shooting for the lovely humberthumbert's latest indie blockbuster, Goth Squad!
I play the easily-excitable and some what slow but well-meaning Linoleum. Rumors that the character is based on me are vicious, hurtful, and in no way easily confirmed by offering me food and/or telling me a knock knock joke.
Given my lack of experience, it took me way too long to do my hair:
I was excessively pleased with myself afterwards:
And, as this is one of the only times you will EVER see me in make up (eyeliner + lipstick, the last incidence of which was shooting my currently waiting to be queued set over the summer), here's a few more for the road:
I still find time to wrap the ol' right arm around my good buddy TheRedBaron though. Go wish him luck on his end of term workload!
Here are a few very delayed pictures from unfound's goodbye party...I was going to make a farewell issue of the Fenchurch Fanciful Folio, but I ran out of time. Here's the few that I did make:
(ooh, Mean Girls reference on the sly!)
All right, now that I've unleashed my motivationless vengeance upon the world of dial-up users, I'm out.
175 days!
PS - Read my thread!
If you've always thought to yourself: "Gee, I sure do love overplayed lesbian jokes, oral sex, and skull-fucking...if only there was some place where I could find all three!"......this is the thread for you!
School is keeping me really busy right now, hence my relative absence. I've been trying to keep up with comments, but miss having time to read people's journals...but hey, at least I'm managing to prioritize!
I finished my calligraphy final project, doing water colors on rice paper was much trickier than I thought it would be. Oh well, it gets the Official Fenchurch Seal of Damn Good Enough:

My drawing final project is coming along well, aside from the fact that it's due on Thursday (aaaahhhh, etc.) The piece of paper we have to do it on is fucking MASSIVE. It's so awkward to draw on. So anyway I still have about 3/5 of it to finish, but this part came out all right:
(progression, whoo!)

Hershey Park last weekend was fucking awesome. Muchos gracias to SteveNeurotic for setting the whole thing up.
The highlights of the day:

At some point during my spastic schoolworkings, I found the time for a frosty cold beer!

Clearly, I am very excited.
Equally clear, I must have been more drunk than I remember being, because I absolutely do not recall this picture, in which I am roaring with joy at my beer, a la post-haircut Isadora:

And speaking of my very bestest buddies the unstoppable VA SG duo of doom, here, by popular demand, are the Star Wars sandals given to me by the awesomest Payless employee who ever awesomed, Antimony:

(not apparent in picture: Light saber does in fact appear to emerge from Vader's wang. Yes, yes, it's all very Spaceballs.)
We finished shooting for the lovely humberthumbert's latest indie blockbuster, Goth Squad!
I play the easily-excitable and some what slow but well-meaning Linoleum. Rumors that the character is based on me are vicious, hurtful, and in no way easily confirmed by offering me food and/or telling me a knock knock joke.

Given my lack of experience, it took me way too long to do my hair:

I was excessively pleased with myself afterwards:

And, as this is one of the only times you will EVER see me in make up (eyeliner + lipstick, the last incidence of which was shooting my currently waiting to be queued set over the summer), here's a few more for the road:

I still find time to wrap the ol' right arm around my good buddy TheRedBaron though. Go wish him luck on his end of term workload!

Here are a few very delayed pictures from unfound's goodbye party...I was going to make a farewell issue of the Fenchurch Fanciful Folio, but I ran out of time. Here's the few that I did make:

(ooh, Mean Girls reference on the sly!)

All right, now that I've unleashed my motivationless vengeance upon the world of dial-up users, I'm out.

175 days!
PS - Read my thread!
If you've always thought to yourself: "Gee, I sure do love overplayed lesbian jokes, oral sex, and skull-fucking...if only there was some place where I could find all three!"......this is the thread for you!
them's some sweet sandals i wish i had me a perr
mmm, pbr....what made milwaukee famous, made a loser out of me!