So, this fucking blew me away, as anticipated:
I wore my light up Darth Vader sandals and everything!!!
We left at 8:30pm to catch the 9:30pm dinner (around 6pm) I was freaking out and too excited to know what to do with myself for the next 2 hours, so I totally talked my friend Ian into driving to the video store so we could rent/watch Episode II right before. Then straight off to III. Then we came back and watched IV. So many little parts of it were fucking heartbreaking on the heels of the other. Then I fell asleep about 1/3 through. Sad, I know. I was just exhausted from all the AWESOME.
I wish I had time to expostulate further, but I do not. Later, I hope.
Rejected set:
Shot in August of 2004 by TheRedBaron.
American Booty
(Not linked)

I wore my light up Darth Vader sandals and everything!!!
We left at 8:30pm to catch the 9:30pm dinner (around 6pm) I was freaking out and too excited to know what to do with myself for the next 2 hours, so I totally talked my friend Ian into driving to the video store so we could rent/watch Episode II right before. Then straight off to III. Then we came back and watched IV. So many little parts of it were fucking heartbreaking on the heels of the other. Then I fell asleep about 1/3 through. Sad, I know. I was just exhausted from all the AWESOME.
I wish I had time to expostulate further, but I do not. Later, I hope.
Rejected set:
Shot in August of 2004 by TheRedBaron.
American Booty
(Not linked)
Still excited about weekend schedule:
180 days!
after this post i could say that i fell in love with you. a deep, geek, love.
>I will be spending a term abroad next Spring (2006) and I am fucking psyched. And terrified. Mostly psyched.
Rock on! What part of the country will you be in? Have you been before? I know what you mean about being simultaneously excited and scared.
>I try not to talk about my school on the site. Vermont ain't that big a state, y'know?
Gotcha. Maybe you can tell me about what kind of material you are working on now, or what kind of projects you have instead of about the school itself?
> I had a great time during a 2 month internship at Tokyopop in L.A. last winter, working in the Marketing and P.R. I made some valuable connections there,
Sounds like you have a great head start. UMass had awesome exchange programs, but no real co-op or intern oppurtunities. That'll be quite a good bit of experience to build from.
>Okay, have I rambled enough yet?
Ramble on, I'm happy to talk to someone in the same major. All of my old friends from the department are scattered all over the world nowadays.
So what kind of Japanese stuff are you into? Outside of the language itself that is.
As for me, I dabble in a little bit of everything. Movies, music, monsters, art etc... I used to be involved in Anime culture, but I kind of burned out some years back. I still have my favorites, but I don't keep up with current stuff much.
Thank you