I really hate it when you are humpdicating with some poor fellow and he doesnt understand that there is indeed a body attached to that vagina. Nothing is sexier to me than a man who uses his hands.
This just deserved reposting.
Also: "humpdicating" is the word of the day.
This journal also requires a shoutout and general love-sending to TheRedBaron for forcing me to wake up from my nap at 10pm to bring me the FRUiTS book which I have, without exaggeration, desired thoroughly for years.
I go home tomorrow until Sunday, so my activity will probably be le le low. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I will be far too busy interacting with certain very special members in what I affectionately refer to as "RL." So, to put it kindly, having more fun than you.
Now that I've given you all your Recommended Daily Allowance of Bitch, I present pictures. If you don't want to see things that people have gone on record as being forced to vomit from cuteness, I provide you with an alternate picture so you don't have to feel you are missing out:
by: Lexie
Presenting my clitasaurus-rex. It ate some bad cock and got the shits.
Pictorals from last weekend:
---management claims no responsibility for vomit---
Anyway nothing could possibly be as cute as this!!!:
my friend: that is fat, gross, and gluttonous
me: kind of like me. well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
Here are some pictures of my newly made AWESOME room, and also my new bangs. I ♥ free haircuts.
My room went from this:
Here's me attempting to look way too cool for you! but mostly just looking nauseous.
And here's me modestly acknowledging that my new bangs make me look like a fucking ROCK STAR.
And speaking of my new bangs, here they are being [way too cool for you!
And...at long last...my new favorite T-shirt! Courtesy of the one, the only, jonnytrrrash7!
(I'm trying to imitate the tomato's big cheesy grin, but again mostly just looking vaguely nauseous)
It's funny cuz I hate tomatos! Tomatoes? I am clearly bad with pluralslslsls.
My top 3 favorite T-shirts are now:
- my modest mouse T-shirt
- the tomato T-shirt
- my turquoise T-shirt that has printed in a hideous shade of yellow that makes grown men weep:
Make like a banana and split!
...which I must now do.
I bid you all good day.
I bought this plastic frog yesterday afternoon while drunk at the dollar store. He's my new obsession.
I found this outside of a McDonald's drive-thru window.