Wow, okay, even though I missed Intro Drawing this morning, yesterday was one of the best Wednesdays ever, in case you hadn't noticed. Inflatable hot tubs full of half naked women and one guy in jeans sucking mercilessly on a hose are the best kind of inflatable hot tubs, and don't you forget it.
I think that was a sentence.
Close enough.

I have plans that involve lots of kissing this weekend

Eeee, etc.

Also: I ♥ Beer + Chicken
Also: Why the fuck do my shins hurt?
Also: I now costar in 2 people's user pictures. What can I say? I get around.


Today is a good day because I 'm wearing my dino hoodie, which is just the coolest fucking thing ever. I remember one time I was in a mall with TheAngus and he pointed out some tiny six-year-old girl gazing with longing and jealousy at my awesome dino hoodie, and I was all Bitch, yeah you wish you looked this cool!
Because that's how I get my jollies, by asserting my coolness to toddlers.

I'm also wearing my socks with the little stuffed strawberries dangling off them. It's ridiculous. Ridiculously CUTE! Seriously, I am so the envy of six-year-old girls everywhere. And, probably, a few six-year-old boys of questionable sexuality.

So-o-o umm what else...I think that's it. Via a process of shopping and stealing food from the Dining Hall, I am all ready food-wise for my visitor this weekend, so that's lovely. What was that about kissing plans...?

My room decorating is coming along awesomely. Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures before too long. So far the wall decorating (which by necessity has involved lots and lots of magazine cutouts) is divided by:
- everyfucking poster I brought this term all fits onto one side of the room
- my shrine of creepy/weird/painfully unfunny comics
- my photobooth picture collection
- anime corner
- high fashion corner
- my shrine to musicians I love
- celebrity row
- hot polaroids row
- my lucky strike box + plastic arcade prizes collection
- my cute window/below window area which involves far too many hearts
- my FFX vinyl statuette collection
- my totally kick ass double mattresses on the floor dealie

Umm okay yeah, I've kind of strayed away from decoration to general description, which is probably a road best left to pictures, which I can't post yet. So I'll stop. Except for mentioning quickly that I organized the closet.
Okay I'm out.
You skeered me.