Filmed the next scene of humberthumbert's movie last night. Everything was running really late and we were all freaking out and somehow, in the confusion, I (after changing into a miniskirt and pink fishnet tights and shirt of course...) was assigned the task of running my lazy ass to the art building to get the banner for the fake band and tearing ass back.
It was not pretty.
I singlehandedly created and starred in my own short film: The Blair Smoking Project.
It goes, as you might imagine, something like this:
...shaky camera in full effect...
run runrun run runrun run
pant pant pant
runrunrun run runrun
runrun run runrun
But yeah....I made it and the rest of the night went off without a hitch.
After I changed back from The Pink Fishnetted Sweaty Horror to Fenchurch, I surprised my good buddy TheRedBaron with nachos, and good times were had by all. We're going to see Sin City tonight. I can't freaking wait.
My roommate moved out yesterday (on good terms) and I am now free to revel in the glory that is a double as a single. Ohhhhhh yeah. Anyone remember me bitching about my embarassment at her seeing me looking at SG constantly and/or being walked in on while jerking off? Never again. We are entering a new era. The era of The Pushed Together Mattresses and Frequent Unfettered Porn-Viewing/Masturbation. I predict it to be one for the history books. I'm sorry, did I say history? I meant porn.
Today is really a ridiculously good day. The weather is freaking gorgeous, I'm having way too much fun rearranging/decorating my room, and I found $4 in a pair of pants I don't wear often today. Not only that....are you ready for this? I swept. I fucking swept. That's right, I'm actually cleaning. Holy crap. I'll be godammed if you'll catch me near a vaccuum cleaner though, so don't go getting any fancy ideas. Today or tomorrow is laundry.
Dude, my room is so kickass. For serious. I can't wait to post pictures. As you can see, for now is the Revenge of the Old Pictures. Boy howdy.
Mmmm I love Cheetos puffs. Except I'm wearing black pants today (not jeans OMG!!!) so I can't wipe my hands on my pants
It's quite an inconvenience.
Damn I'm hungry. And I really need to go to the store for my final phase of visit preparation. And I need to finish putting up pictures. And I need to find time to at least start my paper that's due Monday
since there's no way in hell I'll be getting any work done on it over the weekend.......
Yep, Sunday night is gonna be one hell of an all-nighter, that's fer sher...
P.S. - I almost forgot again!!! I have a few copies of Boink Magazine left, featuring yours truly in the buff with a giant snake. It's going for $10 on the site including shipping and handling, but because I got a deal, I can hook you up for $8. So drop me a line if you're interested. Paypal only, please. (Yeah...all you lucky folks who only paid $6, I had miscalculated shipping and lost some money on that...but oh well, my mistake. It all evens out (even the $8.00 to ship it to England
) thanks to mat8drb sending me The Meaning of Liff and The Deeper Meaning of Liff 

It was not pretty.
I singlehandedly created and starred in my own short film: The Blair Smoking Project.
It goes, as you might imagine, something like this:
...shaky camera in full effect...
run runrun run runrun run
pant pant pant
runrunrun run runrun
runrun run runrun

But yeah....I made it and the rest of the night went off without a hitch.
After I changed back from The Pink Fishnetted Sweaty Horror to Fenchurch, I surprised my good buddy TheRedBaron with nachos, and good times were had by all. We're going to see Sin City tonight. I can't freaking wait.

My roommate moved out yesterday (on good terms) and I am now free to revel in the glory that is a double as a single. Ohhhhhh yeah. Anyone remember me bitching about my embarassment at her seeing me looking at SG constantly and/or being walked in on while jerking off? Never again. We are entering a new era. The era of The Pushed Together Mattresses and Frequent Unfettered Porn-Viewing/Masturbation. I predict it to be one for the history books. I'm sorry, did I say history? I meant porn.

Today is really a ridiculously good day. The weather is freaking gorgeous, I'm having way too much fun rearranging/decorating my room, and I found $4 in a pair of pants I don't wear often today. Not only that....are you ready for this? I swept. I fucking swept. That's right, I'm actually cleaning. Holy crap. I'll be godammed if you'll catch me near a vaccuum cleaner though, so don't go getting any fancy ideas. Today or tomorrow is laundry.

Dude, my room is so kickass. For serious. I can't wait to post pictures. As you can see, for now is the Revenge of the Old Pictures. Boy howdy.
Mmmm I love Cheetos puffs. Except I'm wearing black pants today (not jeans OMG!!!) so I can't wipe my hands on my pants

It's quite an inconvenience.
Damn I'm hungry. And I really need to go to the store for my final phase of visit preparation. And I need to finish putting up pictures. And I need to find time to at least start my paper that's due Monday

Yep, Sunday night is gonna be one hell of an all-nighter, that's fer sher...
P.S. - I almost forgot again!!! I have a few copies of Boink Magazine left, featuring yours truly in the buff with a giant snake. It's going for $10 on the site including shipping and handling, but because I got a deal, I can hook you up for $8. So drop me a line if you're interested. Paypal only, please. (Yeah...all you lucky folks who only paid $6, I had miscalculated shipping and lost some money on that...but oh well, my mistake. It all evens out (even the $8.00 to ship it to England

the best thing about the job is that they actually looked at my work and decided to give me jobs i would be good at, instead of making me draw hand railing details or some crap like that. whoda thunk?