Fenny strikes again.
AceTracer vs. Fenchurch will continue.
Still waiting for my Audioscrobbler to update...some day...
Um. Have done nothing productive all weekend. Drinking lots of tea. Not smoking many cigarettes, but most of the ones I have smoked have been in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil.
And yes I know that the tea is ideally made with very hot but not quite boiling water...I bring it to a boil first because god knows what goes on in the tea kettle in my house. Do I need to post the pictures of the bathroom again?
In other news, I just made an internet selection I never thought I'd make...selecting the "Remember My Language" box on the Febreeze website.
Don't ask.
Usually I question the validity of the joy generally expressed in photos posted on websites for products like this, but I can honestly say that Febreeze does in fact make me this happy:
Did you know it's Couch Appreciation Month?
It is. According to the Febreeze website, anyway. However, if you google "Couch Appreciation Month" nothing comes up, aside from their explanation. Could Febreeze have made up a holiday? I hope so.
Yes. I did subscribe to be a part of the Febreeze community. Can we please move on?
In other news: I've taken Irkutsk!!
it has been a fun few days round here!!
you doing ok?