I'm running late for errands/work, so this will have to be brief.
(Okay so I lied...anyways here's a nice long entry to tide y'all over while I'm off getting sexified in ole NC)
Sooo yesterday was good, it was really slow, but George and I played a lot of Mario on my Gameboy, and I made a $10 tip for undercharging a woman for some very easy henna.
unfound = da fuckin man because he hangs out at IHOP with me, gives me presents, makes some killer industrial music, gives me presents, is manly enough to pull of an 1 1/2 inch thick "diamond" bracelet, and...hmm...I feel like I'm forgetting something...something about presents...
He got me these fine specimens of kickassery:
...taking pictures of one's own crotch is a bizarre experience. Anyway I know the first one says "Warning: High Voltage" instead of "Danger! High Voltage" but what kind of dork would actually care about something like that? Not this kind of dork, I'll tell you that much.
This is the To-Do list I made myself last night for this morning (yes, I am such a dork that I actually put reminders to update my internet journal on my to-do lists):
Oh and speaking of putting laundry in the dryer...about a year ago I had a fight (or several) with my mom wherein she refused to continue doing my laundry because every (every) time she did, I would yell at her for shrinking my pants by putting them in the dryer, so I've been doing my own laundry since then (with no complaint...it's not like it's rocket science). So I put some clothes in last night, and I wake up this morning to the sound of...you guessed it...the dryer. She had decided to "help me out" by PUTTING MY FUCKING PANTS IN THE DRYER. So yeah. After a one-year hiatus, the great Pants Destroyer has returned...with a vengeance! She shrunk my favorite black pants, and badly
Oh well. At least they were only $10, but still!!!
Anyway here are those pictures my mom /finally/ found (can you tell I'm sick of living at home?) The CD that they sent was labeled only "Blue Hair." The funny thing is I was really pissed off about how my hair came out at the time these were taken (because I was going for a very very light blue and it didn't work out right) but it actually looked pretty good, damn. Oh and the way I ended up modeling for these people was they saw me in some store somewhere and really liked my hair and explained they were sort of traveling wedding photographers (a married couple) and could they take some pictures of me behind this building please....it was less sketchy than it sounds, I swear. Anyway they're actually not great photographers, most of these are kind of bad...and it was a little awkward for me modeling with my clothes on...(kidding) I really like the first picture though:
I'm kind of like LithiumPicnic in the gift shop in the last two, what with all the looking down and whathaveyou (hee!).
Mostly those two rule because they prominently feature my digital watch. Oh yeah.
Speaking of hair, mine was starting to get on my nerves color-wise (I'm starting to notice I have a tendency to think my hair color looks like shit when it actually looks all right) so I traded some DVDs for bleach at the record store and was going to dye my hair again, but decided to take pictures of it while making weird faces instead. It seemed like the thing to do:
I look like a turtle with a pierced tongue.
I went to IHOP the other night also and the ice in my water looked like a ribcage:
Finally, here is me having orgasms in the supermarket:
Okay bye.
(Okay so I lied...anyways here's a nice long entry to tide y'all over while I'm off getting sexified in ole NC)
Sooo yesterday was good, it was really slow, but George and I played a lot of Mario on my Gameboy, and I made a $10 tip for undercharging a woman for some very easy henna.
unfound = da fuckin man because he hangs out at IHOP with me, gives me presents, makes some killer industrial music, gives me presents, is manly enough to pull of an 1 1/2 inch thick "diamond" bracelet, and...hmm...I feel like I'm forgetting something...something about presents...
He got me these fine specimens of kickassery:

...taking pictures of one's own crotch is a bizarre experience. Anyway I know the first one says "Warning: High Voltage" instead of "Danger! High Voltage" but what kind of dork would actually care about something like that? Not this kind of dork, I'll tell you that much.
This is the To-Do list I made myself last night for this morning (yes, I am such a dork that I actually put reminders to update my internet journal on my to-do lists):

Oh and speaking of putting laundry in the dryer...about a year ago I had a fight (or several) with my mom wherein she refused to continue doing my laundry because every (every) time she did, I would yell at her for shrinking my pants by putting them in the dryer, so I've been doing my own laundry since then (with no complaint...it's not like it's rocket science). So I put some clothes in last night, and I wake up this morning to the sound of...you guessed it...the dryer. She had decided to "help me out" by PUTTING MY FUCKING PANTS IN THE DRYER. So yeah. After a one-year hiatus, the great Pants Destroyer has returned...with a vengeance! She shrunk my favorite black pants, and badly

Anyway here are those pictures my mom /finally/ found (can you tell I'm sick of living at home?) The CD that they sent was labeled only "Blue Hair." The funny thing is I was really pissed off about how my hair came out at the time these were taken (because I was going for a very very light blue and it didn't work out right) but it actually looked pretty good, damn. Oh and the way I ended up modeling for these people was they saw me in some store somewhere and really liked my hair and explained they were sort of traveling wedding photographers (a married couple) and could they take some pictures of me behind this building please....it was less sketchy than it sounds, I swear. Anyway they're actually not great photographers, most of these are kind of bad...and it was a little awkward for me modeling with my clothes on...(kidding) I really like the first picture though:

I'm kind of like LithiumPicnic in the gift shop in the last two, what with all the looking down and whathaveyou (hee!).
Mostly those two rule because they prominently feature my digital watch. Oh yeah.
Speaking of hair, mine was starting to get on my nerves color-wise (I'm starting to notice I have a tendency to think my hair color looks like shit when it actually looks all right) so I traded some DVDs for bleach at the record store and was going to dye my hair again, but decided to take pictures of it while making weird faces instead. It seemed like the thing to do:

I look like a turtle with a pierced tongue.
I went to IHOP the other night also and the ice in my water looked like a ribcage:

Finally, here is me having orgasms in the supermarket:

Okay bye.
Read your fucking comments before you ask bitch!
Hehehe. <3 I am totally going to take pictures soon.