Well, I lost a whole day today...I think that's the surest sign that you're successfully embracing unemployment without substituting a "social life". When it's around 6 or 7pm and you're sitting alone on the couch and actually exclaim out loud when you solve your confusion about why Eureka is recording on the DVR...
The good part is that makes tomorrow Saturday! I like Saturdays.
Here's a picture of one of my snakes (Lazarus II) being cute!
Anyways I knew I was forgetting something in my previous movie rundown. I had also watched Spread, which I actually liked quite a bit, mainly for the plethora of really hot sex scenes between Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche. Believe me -- I was skeptical too. But not only is the chemistry oddly there, but whoever was choreographing those sex scenes gets laid a lot, and well! And I don't normally even like Anne Heche! She's a close second behind Joely Richardson on the list of tremulous blonds who really piss me off.
The whole thing definitely did NOT make it any easier that Brandon is at sea for a stupid month. I think that was what prompted me to have my own personal Chick Flick Day, which included He's Just Not That Into You and The Devil Wears Prada, both of which I was shocked to find I actually quite liked. Again, I'm as surprised as you are, but lying about it won't make it any less true. I liked them. I liked both movies. I don't know why I thought continuing to say would make it less embarrassing...
Today I watched Greenberg, which was okay. I'm actually a pretty big fan of the slow-paced character piece, and this one did do a painfully good job of recreating the inherent awkwardness of every day social encounters as well as the dreamlike stasis that so often accompanies medicated mental illness, but...well I don't really know what to follow the "but" with. Maybe I'm mistaking the feeling of frustration it left me with for dissatisfaction, when really it just felt a bit too real for me to enjoy. I mean it had elements that can often lead to cinematic disaster (a slow, meandering plot and an abrupt ending without any real sense of revelation or completion) but none of that really bothered me. I seem to have lost my point amidst a forest of run-on sentences, so I think I'll wrap up for the night there.
I can't believe I leave in 5 days for my visit to Virginia! When I come back I'll have my bunnies!!


The good part is that makes tomorrow Saturday! I like Saturdays.
Here's a picture of one of my snakes (Lazarus II) being cute!

Anyways I knew I was forgetting something in my previous movie rundown. I had also watched Spread, which I actually liked quite a bit, mainly for the plethora of really hot sex scenes between Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche. Believe me -- I was skeptical too. But not only is the chemistry oddly there, but whoever was choreographing those sex scenes gets laid a lot, and well! And I don't normally even like Anne Heche! She's a close second behind Joely Richardson on the list of tremulous blonds who really piss me off.
The whole thing definitely did NOT make it any easier that Brandon is at sea for a stupid month. I think that was what prompted me to have my own personal Chick Flick Day, which included He's Just Not That Into You and The Devil Wears Prada, both of which I was shocked to find I actually quite liked. Again, I'm as surprised as you are, but lying about it won't make it any less true. I liked them. I liked both movies. I don't know why I thought continuing to say would make it less embarrassing...
Today I watched Greenberg, which was okay. I'm actually a pretty big fan of the slow-paced character piece, and this one did do a painfully good job of recreating the inherent awkwardness of every day social encounters as well as the dreamlike stasis that so often accompanies medicated mental illness, but...well I don't really know what to follow the "but" with. Maybe I'm mistaking the feeling of frustration it left me with for dissatisfaction, when really it just felt a bit too real for me to enjoy. I mean it had elements that can often lead to cinematic disaster (a slow, meandering plot and an abrupt ending without any real sense of revelation or completion) but none of that really bothered me. I seem to have lost my point amidst a forest of run-on sentences, so I think I'll wrap up for the night there.
I can't believe I leave in 5 days for my visit to Virginia! When I come back I'll have my bunnies!!


yep I'm afraid its the same crazy...thank you for the good vibes they are always welcome 

Awesome. Whereabouts are you?