Yes, it's true! I am still alive, and in a stunning oversight, SG has not caught on to my once-a-year style participation and deleted me from its prestigious annals of pornography. (heh heh...annals...)
Anyways I am alive and kicking, and planning a sincere attempt at rejoining the world of the internet, so we'll see how it goes this time around. Here is the cheat sheet on what I've been up to:
I moved to SAN DIEGO.
I married my best friend.
I quit smoking.
I quit my job.
Ummm I think that's everything major. I guess I'll try to fill in some gaps...about 3 out of 4 anyways. I would hate to break any hearts elaborating on my matrimony. But I'm sure anyone with half a brain and remote knowledge of my dating history knows where we met.....
Anyways I've relocated to the West Coast, which involved quitting my job, which was extremely enjoyable and I highly recommend to anyone who hates their job nearly as much as I did. Quitting smoking is less elating, but I found out that I basically have a 100% chance of eventually developing COPD even without the 9 years of smoking I've racked up already, so there was really no good excuse to keep it up any more.
Well, I think that about wraps it up for the annual Fenchurch update hour. Hoping to upgrade to a weekly occurrence! We'll see how that goes.......
Oh and to my old Virginia friends, I'll be back in the area briefly around the end of August, so if you want to hit an IHOP for some quality catch-ups, give me a call! I know I went off the grid for a while, but odds are I miss you!