But first, please enjoy this picture of me, circa March/April, eating a Mezcal worm with profound displeasure.

And here's me circa 5 or so minutes ago:

Look at me! I'm a grown-up!

I wish I could have gotten a shot that better showed off the dimple-fruits of my forsaken piercing-tree, but this was actually far and away the least creepy of the pictures I took. I think my smile is allergic to cameras, because it tends to kind of just lose control and start doing crazy, spastic things whenever one is pointed at it. Oh well!
Meanwhile, the custom throw pillow offer remains very much on the table (this will be followed by a quick recap of said offer for anyone who might need refreshing or informing), but due to some strong negative feelings that were, much to my surprise and dismay, recently expressed regarding the encouraged featuring of SGs on the pillows, I am going to encourage potential buyers to use non-SG images if at all possible. If there is a particular SG whose image you're just dying to have grace your sofa, then I ask that you get in touch with her first and make sure that she and, if relevant, her photographer, are comfortable with the image being used in this way. If they say yes, then just have that SG contact me and let me know she's okay with it. So just one extra step in the process...not too much extra work for folks, I hope. While I'm on the subject, I would also like to issue a public apology to anyone who may have been made unhappy by my use of their image without their explicit permission. Everyone I did talk to was really into the idea and happy/excited to be involved, which resulted in my neglecting to consider the fact that other people with whom I did not speak might not be pleased. I guess I was led to presumptuousness by impaired perceptions of ownership due to the intangibility of the gosh darn internet. I really didn't mean to be so thoughtless, and it certainly won't happen again without the explicit approval of anyone whose image is being used.
Anyways, for those folks who missed the bandwagon, here's a brief rundown of the deal, plus some pictures that should clarify a bit. (In light of the recent revelations mentioned above, I am not going to post further pictures of completed pillows that feature SGs, but hopefully these pictures of the backs can help give you some idea of what I do.
Basically, I will make you a custom throw pillow featuring any image or theme of your choice, starting at a base rate of $20 for a one-sided pillow, and $30 for a double-sided pillow (meaning on with images on both sides). Use of decorations/frills can be increased relative to price and desire, for example a $30 one-sided pillow would have an image on only one side, but would have a ruffle, more hand-sewn details, etc. You can choose the color scheme you would like or I can just work from the image. I can also, at a reduced cost, make regular throw pillows to complement your custom pillow, jazz up an old couch, etc. You just pick the color scheme, style, and any other particulars you heart desires. For an additional material cost, I can cater to very specific requests, and am happy to do so.
In the meantime, here are the backs of a few of the more creative pillows I've made for people:
Black and white T-shirt material with contrast stitching
An old shirt used to creat a corset back, with tasselled top and bottom
A handmade corset back using grommets and red and black velvet, with a sheer ruffle
Image is a collage made in photoshop, material is T-shirt with velvet ruffle
All right...I'm out for now, but hopefully now that I have my camera up and running I can post some pictures of the litho prints I killed myself working on this last semester! Yay!