It's hard to blog when the net don't want you there. I visit Linkping right now and wish that I had visit card from SG to give to girls around here. It's the university in this town that make it a good place to see intelligent good looking and independent girl's.
And why is that?
MMO gaming is fun. Done some leveling on a new toon on Shaiya Evolution. If you are into playing Shaiya I can recommend the European servers. At least they don't destroy the game as the money hungry Aeria with their Official Shaiya does. The faster leveling is a lot better then power leveling a consept that initiate a lot of bugs in the official Shaiya...
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Found Una today.
Now I am happy. That on a stormy, gray and rainy day here in Sweden. Thx SG for bringing happines to the world.

Once again the first day. Always the optimist I tried a frinds request. The sun is shining and it's now. So be it.

Put up some picture of my unfinished tattoo. Hope to get some comments and idee's about it. I was in a grey mood when I did this first part so it is only lines and shadows so far.

Old man in the wrong world at the wrong time.
heyy!! welcome to sg land!!