Last night was fucking miserable for me. My girlfriend and I were watching Gran Torino and eating pizza when I started to feel a slight headache. When I stood up to go to the restroom I became very dizzy and couldn't walk very well. I went to the restroom and tried to wash my face with cold water, but that just made it worse. I started to feel nauseous and lied down in my bed. My stomach started to hurt a lot and I was still very dizzy lying on my back. Here's the freaky part, when I turned to look at the clock I started suffering from a nystagmus . Wikipedia defines it as a form of involuntary eye movement that is part of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). It is characterized by alternating smooth pursuit in one direction and saccadic movement in the other direction. With all my strength, I couldn't focus on the clock. After lying there for a while, the nausea became too much and I vomited around 10 times! It was all undigested pizza. In addition to that, my temperature dropped from around 97.6(my normal temp) to around 96.5. And, the lights in the room started to hurt my eyes. It was after vomiting I started to feel better, but was physically exhausted to where I wanted to pass out on the bathroom floor. My throat was also burned now with all the stomach acid. Throughout all this my girlfriend was offering me water, pillow to lie down on, asking if she should call an ambulance. She finally convinced me not to pass out on the bathroom floor, but in the bed. Eventually I went to sleep and woke up around 3:00AM feeling a lot better, but still drained. I woke up at 8:00AM with enough energy to get myself to class. I felt better as the day went on and feel fine now. I just don't know what the fuck last night was about! If you google up my symptoms they all point to vertigo. The thing is I don't know what caused it. It wasn't the pizza. At least I don't think so. If it happens again I'm definitely going to the doc to get some bloodwork and a good physical exam.

, hope it didn't happen again.

haha.awsome. ^_^ x