Another morning where I wake up and wish I could not be part of the human race.
I'm really sick of religious right coming before secular right.
Muslims demanding the heads of those who created those stupid fucking comics.
I'm sorry get over it.
They were NOT Muslims who drew them and they drew them in a secular country where it was perfectly allowed.
You're laws from some other fucking country or religion DO NOT apply to them.
You have no right to ask for the heads of people who have no broken the law in their own country when they were in their own country. Especially not for something death-worthy.
It's not like secular white people drawing comics is going to make you unworthy of heaven.
Get the fuck over it, stop thinking the entire world should have to bend to YOUR fucking ideas, and shut up. We aren't Muslim, we don't want to be Muslim, and we don't have to follow every fucking stupid god damn law and thought you have.
While maybe the comics were a tad offensive, you are going overboard. Religion doesn't trump freedom of speech.
I'll never understand. Secular people allow people to do what they want. We don't barracade Church or Mosque doors. But religious factions seem to think everyone should follow their laws. What the fuck does it matter to everyone else who gets into heaven and who doesn't? Worry about yourselves.
And seriously? Calling for Denmark to be "exploded"? WTF? All Danes did it? REALLY? Fuck off!
*I realize that not all Muslims are like this, and a good majority are normal people who go about their business in a normal matter. I'm speaking solely to those who are in this time acting like 3 year olds who aren't getting their cookie*
I'm really sick of religious right coming before secular right.
Muslims demanding the heads of those who created those stupid fucking comics.
I'm sorry get over it.
They were NOT Muslims who drew them and they drew them in a secular country where it was perfectly allowed.
You're laws from some other fucking country or religion DO NOT apply to them.
You have no right to ask for the heads of people who have no broken the law in their own country when they were in their own country. Especially not for something death-worthy.
It's not like secular white people drawing comics is going to make you unworthy of heaven.
Get the fuck over it, stop thinking the entire world should have to bend to YOUR fucking ideas, and shut up. We aren't Muslim, we don't want to be Muslim, and we don't have to follow every fucking stupid god damn law and thought you have.
While maybe the comics were a tad offensive, you are going overboard. Religion doesn't trump freedom of speech.
I'll never understand. Secular people allow people to do what they want. We don't barracade Church or Mosque doors. But religious factions seem to think everyone should follow their laws. What the fuck does it matter to everyone else who gets into heaven and who doesn't? Worry about yourselves.
And seriously? Calling for Denmark to be "exploded"? WTF? All Danes did it? REALLY? Fuck off!
*I realize that not all Muslims are like this, and a good majority are normal people who go about their business in a normal matter. I'm speaking solely to those who are in this time acting like 3 year olds who aren't getting their cookie*
IF you do somehow make it out of the human race and become something else, can I come with you? 

I just want the aliens to come and take me away.