1)How old do you wish you were?
15 or 16 again. That was the best time of my life.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
I got into Matt's car and was all "gooood morning!" and they were like "What's so good about it?". And I was all "huh?". Then they made me listen to the radio, and I was all like "wtf". Then my gym teacher said we didn't have to change since the future was so bleak and there was no point.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
Get annoyed and buy another bag to knock the first one out.
4) Do you consider yourself kind?
Yes. I have way too much compassion for living things, like bugs. But I do have a mean streak, but that's only at humans.
5) When you see a homeless person on the side of the road, what do you think?
Drunk or high or asleep?
6) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
Stars on my ankles.
7) If you could be fluent in any other language.
Latin, so I wouldn't have to take it in University.
8) Do you know your neighbors?
Uhm. Yes. Terry is the old guy, next door are the Philipinos, behind us are the two people I babysit for, and there used to be lesbians but aren't anymore.
9) What do you consider a vacation?
More than two days off, possibly going somewhere.
10) Do you check your horoscope?
On occasion, if I'm bored.
11) Would you move for the person you loved?
Sure, as long as I could work or go to school there, and they were moving for a damn good reason.
12) Are you touchy feely?
Uhm...not really. I don't like being touched, so touching people isn't something I partake in.
13) Do you believe that opposites attract?
To an extent, yes.
14) Dream job?
Professor of British History at the University of Calgary.
15) Dream car?
Oooh. Uhm. Chrysler 300M
16) Favorite channel?
Probably 40. Mindless indulgence.
17) Favorite place to go on weekends?
Moxies. NOT WORK! NO!
18) Showers or Baths?
Shower at home, and baths at Adam's house haha.
19) Do you paint your nails?
When I feel the need.
20) What do you like the most about yourself?
I've been in love with my lips lately.
and I've always had a thing with my breasts.
21) What do you like the least?
Where my torso meets my legs.
And how god damn short my legs are, since I can't fit in pants.
22) Do you trust people easily?
I don't really rust anyone but my mother.
23) Do you live alone?
No, but I wish I could for just a couple months.
24. What scares you?
Bugs, ...oh god. Too many things. Heights, cars going to fast, bridges...etc etc etc.
25) What are your phobias?
Being shot at work. I've seriously developed a neural disorder where it's all I think about.
26) Do you want kids?
Most days no, but some days yes. Right now: noooo.
27)What makes you smile?
Adam. Not being at work. British history. My British History Prof. Chocolate soy milk.
28) Where would you rather be right now?
In Edmonton with Adam in a giant hot tub. Naked.
29) Who would you like to be more honest with?
30) Who makes you feel guilty?
Adam, my mom. Myself.
31) Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
Light. Touching my door wake me up.
32) Are you a good dancer?
I'd like to think so, but probably not.
33) Are you paranoid?
Yes. Well, of somethings. Like getting shot at work.
34) Are you impatient?
God yes. Especially waiting in line when there's a person being a fucking cunt. If you don't know what a cashiers for, don't get in line.
35) Who are you related to?
my relatives...
36) Would you ever have plastic surgery?
If necessary, like I got in a massive car accident. But not just because I felt like it.
37) Would you ever break the law?
Heck yes. Shoplifting and jay walking. I live life on the edge. Except I haven't shop lifted since I was 16. Jaywalking though...yeaaah.
38) Do you believe in the afterlife?
I dunno. Possibly...?
15 or 16 again. That was the best time of my life.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
I got into Matt's car and was all "gooood morning!" and they were like "What's so good about it?". And I was all "huh?". Then they made me listen to the radio, and I was all like "wtf". Then my gym teacher said we didn't have to change since the future was so bleak and there was no point.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
Get annoyed and buy another bag to knock the first one out.
4) Do you consider yourself kind?
Yes. I have way too much compassion for living things, like bugs. But I do have a mean streak, but that's only at humans.
5) When you see a homeless person on the side of the road, what do you think?
Drunk or high or asleep?
6) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
Stars on my ankles.
7) If you could be fluent in any other language.
Latin, so I wouldn't have to take it in University.
8) Do you know your neighbors?
Uhm. Yes. Terry is the old guy, next door are the Philipinos, behind us are the two people I babysit for, and there used to be lesbians but aren't anymore.
9) What do you consider a vacation?
More than two days off, possibly going somewhere.
10) Do you check your horoscope?
On occasion, if I'm bored.
11) Would you move for the person you loved?
Sure, as long as I could work or go to school there, and they were moving for a damn good reason.
12) Are you touchy feely?
Uhm...not really. I don't like being touched, so touching people isn't something I partake in.
13) Do you believe that opposites attract?
To an extent, yes.
14) Dream job?
Professor of British History at the University of Calgary.
15) Dream car?
Oooh. Uhm. Chrysler 300M
16) Favorite channel?
Probably 40. Mindless indulgence.
17) Favorite place to go on weekends?
Moxies. NOT WORK! NO!
18) Showers or Baths?
Shower at home, and baths at Adam's house haha.
19) Do you paint your nails?
When I feel the need.
20) What do you like the most about yourself?
I've been in love with my lips lately.
and I've always had a thing with my breasts.
21) What do you like the least?
Where my torso meets my legs.
And how god damn short my legs are, since I can't fit in pants.
22) Do you trust people easily?
I don't really rust anyone but my mother.
23) Do you live alone?
No, but I wish I could for just a couple months.
24. What scares you?
Bugs, ...oh god. Too many things. Heights, cars going to fast, bridges...etc etc etc.
25) What are your phobias?
Being shot at work. I've seriously developed a neural disorder where it's all I think about.
26) Do you want kids?
Most days no, but some days yes. Right now: noooo.
27)What makes you smile?
Adam. Not being at work. British history. My British History Prof. Chocolate soy milk.
28) Where would you rather be right now?
In Edmonton with Adam in a giant hot tub. Naked.
29) Who would you like to be more honest with?
30) Who makes you feel guilty?
Adam, my mom. Myself.
31) Are you a heavy or light sleeper?
Light. Touching my door wake me up.
32) Are you a good dancer?
I'd like to think so, but probably not.
33) Are you paranoid?
Yes. Well, of somethings. Like getting shot at work.
34) Are you impatient?
God yes. Especially waiting in line when there's a person being a fucking cunt. If you don't know what a cashiers for, don't get in line.
35) Who are you related to?
my relatives...
36) Would you ever have plastic surgery?
If necessary, like I got in a massive car accident. But not just because I felt like it.
37) Would you ever break the law?
Heck yes. Shoplifting and jay walking. I live life on the edge. Except I haven't shop lifted since I was 16. Jaywalking though...yeaaah.
38) Do you believe in the afterlife?
I dunno. Possibly...?
people are a bit of a pain in the ass