You can never let me just have an opinion. I have to be wrong. You have to argue. You have to go out of your way to make me feel stupid. Why? Why do you have to do that? Half the time it seems like your only goal is to make me feel as stupid as you possibly can. But what's the point of talking to you about it? You'll just get sad and I'll look like the bad person, because that's always how it works. You just have to make me look like an idiot. I'm so sick of feeling stupid. I'm so sick of being afraid to open my mouth around you. Everytime I have a thought I have to think about whether or not I should say it. And more and more I think "no", because I'm sick of being near tears whenever I'm with you, but having to choke it back so I don't look like a snively bitch. I don't mind arguing, I don't mind debating, but I HATE when I get out half a thought and you cut me off and start going on and listing all the things wrong with what I said. I always feel so stupid. And wrong. And like I shouldn't bother talking.
I can remembering feeling this way, so long ago. He didn't do it with words though. Somehow, you doing it this way hurts a lot fucking more.
I can remembering feeling this way, so long ago. He didn't do it with words though. Somehow, you doing it this way hurts a lot fucking more.
i know how you feel...