Today: ASTR Homework, paper, focus group, see Adam yay!
Tomorrow: Paper, WMST essay with Keith (non-yay)
Adam is staying over. We're going to eat fattening food and watch Devil's Rejects and life will be good (and scary).
Now I'm off to eat some breakfast.
Tomorrow: Paper, WMST essay with Keith (non-yay)
Adam is staying over. We're going to eat fattening food and watch Devil's Rejects and life will be good (and scary).
Now I'm off to eat some breakfast.

sounds like fun (for the most part) let me know how the movie is (i haven't seen it yet) and fuck kieth, if he's the one that you've been talking about lately he's a loser and not worth your time physically or mentally.
thank you so much for the birthday wishes. i really appreciate it......and as for the profile pic "things take time" (i don't think they like me) but then again it could just be that they are really fucking busy with all the other shit.