who here has livejournal? i'm new there, i don't really know what i'm doing but if you have it, you should add me. if i haven't already told you my screen name lemme know, or email me with yours... i'm not posting it here just as a preventitive measure... no creepy members/stalkers please.
an ex girlfriend that i am still friendly with and talk to occasionally, left me a message the other day and mentioned her new favorite band the yeah yeah yeahs, wanted to know if i ever heard of them... so when i called her back today and i was like dude the yeah yeah yeahs are the BEST, she told me they're playing in providence on monday night and is all about going. shit! i have to work at 8am on tuesday which means getting up at 7, and if i went to providence theres no way i'm getting home any earlier than 1am. shit shit shit. i really wanna go... but i just CAN'T be tired at work. i heard the singer karen o. uses one hand to pull up her dress and the other to pour beer over her head. HOTT
happy weekend everyone!

an ex girlfriend that i am still friendly with and talk to occasionally, left me a message the other day and mentioned her new favorite band the yeah yeah yeahs, wanted to know if i ever heard of them... so when i called her back today and i was like dude the yeah yeah yeahs are the BEST, she told me they're playing in providence on monday night and is all about going. shit! i have to work at 8am on tuesday which means getting up at 7, and if i went to providence theres no way i'm getting home any earlier than 1am. shit shit shit. i really wanna go... but i just CAN'T be tired at work. i heard the singer karen o. uses one hand to pull up her dress and the other to pour beer over her head. HOTT

happy weekend everyone!
i have to go see them when they come here in march!
I'd say go for it.