hope all had a lovely weekend... so sad tomorrow's monday. i have a long week ahead of me too, with cpr/first aid training all day on saturday. but afterwards, i'll be heading over to BOUND to meet up with my SGCT cronies, and i am so excited that my friend dragonsbeauty will be in attendance!
i crashed on my friend's couch last night and when i woke up this morning, the tv was still on and it was that movie "my girl". so, like a jerk, i watched it, and like a jerk, i got all teary when little macauly died. when it was over and i had collected myself, i walked into my friends bedroom and said, "what are you doing?" and he replied, "oh, just sitting here sobbing to my girl".. hehe

hope all had a lovely weekend... so sad tomorrow's monday. i have a long week ahead of me too, with cpr/first aid training all day on saturday. but afterwards, i'll be heading over to BOUND to meet up with my SGCT cronies, and i am so excited that my friend dragonsbeauty will be in attendance!

i crashed on my friend's couch last night and when i woke up this morning, the tv was still on and it was that movie "my girl". so, like a jerk, i watched it, and like a jerk, i got all teary when little macauly died. when it was over and i had collected myself, i walked into my friends bedroom and said, "what are you doing?" and he replied, "oh, just sitting here sobbing to my girl".. hehe
but i was writing cuz i wana know what bound is? Is it half as yummy as the movie by the same name? if so.. PLEASE lemme know when the next one is!