i look fucking retarded... i'm sitting here with a heating pad wrapped around my head.
the sinus problems i've had for the past few years have hit a new level of severity, and it is making me MISERABLE. the pain is so intense that it hurts to talk, move my face in any way, or even just touch the skin above the eyebrows. i went to an ENT specialist yesterday, who put me on yet another antibiotic (third one in 2 weeks) and is having me come back for x-rays and an allergy test, but in the meantime, i dunno. i hope this antibiotic starts working soon, cause this is unbearable, not even exaggerating. i've been loading up on aceitomeniphin and pseudophedrine but it doesn't seem to make a dent. i forced myself to go out to the bar last night cause all i've been doing lately is laying low at home, and the alcohol really seemed to help!!! but unfortunately that wears out by morning.
bitch bitch bitch.
sorry, this is just really frustrating to me. its been a chronic problem that any doctor has yet to solve.
in other bad news, i was all excited to get my w-2 forms at work the other day and file for my big huge tax return so i can pay off all my bills. well. not only am i NOT getting a return, i owe the government $90!!!!
how does this happen? i made quite a bit more money this year, but like, not THAT much more... i dont get it

bitch bitch bitch.

in other bad news, i was all excited to get my w-2 forms at work the other day and file for my big huge tax return so i can pay off all my bills. well. not only am i NOT getting a return, i owe the government $90!!!!

i'm going to make everybody frink at least one!
he he he!
i'm the devil!