last night, i brought it up with my boyfriend that i've been accepted to a few alternaporn sites and am sending the release forms out.
his reaction... he was thrilled!
he's all about doing my pictures for me and claims to be a good photographer, taken classes and whatever... says he has a million ideas of what he'd like to do with me and its going to be really "hott"
AND he also seemed very interested in participating in the photos... volunteered to be a prop of sorts. i dunno
i think i'd like to keep the hardcore stuff just for us! we'll see! i'm so happy that hes down with all this, hes so cool. i so totally
him. we talked about alot of important stuff last night, about our relationship and whatnot, it was all reallllly good. i'm in a great mood because of it today... and not hungover! (he is)

8bit_____: there's an idea.
Congrats on the sites