whats shakin.. sorry i've been kind of a dick about writing in journals lately, i promise i'll write soon.... been busy and not spending much time on here.
...its a depraved new world, after all....
i heard the vines have a new album... all i know is i saw that band last year and the singer was a hottie. i cut a little picture out of spin magazine and taped it to a lighter, which was henceforth dubbed, "the vines guy lighter"
i'd go see him again. last time, i got yelled at by some girls mom who was standing there in the 3rd row holding her 13 year old daughter's hoodie. she said i was pushing.
i'd rather see marilyn manson though... when are they finally going to tour... ?
got a digital camera for xmas, theres new pics in my profile... and some of me after 3 martinis posted in the psw group, you know what that means.
happy new year! get drunk!
whats shakin.. sorry i've been kind of a dick about writing in journals lately, i promise i'll write soon.... been busy and not spending much time on here.
...its a depraved new world, after all....
i heard the vines have a new album... all i know is i saw that band last year and the singer was a hottie. i cut a little picture out of spin magazine and taped it to a lighter, which was henceforth dubbed, "the vines guy lighter"
i'd go see him again. last time, i got yelled at by some girls mom who was standing there in the 3rd row holding her 13 year old daughter's hoodie. she said i was pushing.

i'd rather see marilyn manson though... when are they finally going to tour... ?
got a digital camera for xmas, theres new pics in my profile... and some of me after 3 martinis posted in the psw group, you know what that means.

happy new year! get drunk!
New pics are nice.. Happy new year
i shall get drunk.indeed. happy new year.