would it be out of line for me to rant in my journal about how much i dislike this site and some of the models right now? watch me get zotted or something. i'm just frustrated because there have been some really shitty posts lately not only on the boards, but some insulting remarks were made in the ps women's group-which i thought was at least one place on the site that is only frequented by positive, supportive people.
and its like, i'm not jumping into these absurd internet argumenets- i have no interest. especially when it seems whenever a sg says anything, 10 or so people respond with "yeah! right on!" and "you rule, (insert name of model)!" but i am going to bitch about it... and then decide if i'm going to just get over it or cancel my membership. there are still aspects to the site that i do like... there are some really cool people on here (models and members) but i guess i'm kind of disappointed to realize that there are a good few that are so disgustingly self righteous that i wanna

bitch bitch bitch. whatever. its just a website, its not like i really care anyway, haha. its just really kinda disappointing.
You rule, blackandbluegirl!