"please stop loving me... please stop loving me... i am none of these things."
oh my god, i can't stop listening to it. you know that song, "end" by the cure? like 2 years ago i was at this party in boston, and an acquaintance/friend type girl and i were getting drunk and flirty and touchy feely all night... then all of a sudden she left... i think there was some drama but i wasn't really sure what was going on..
so the girl calls up the house where the party is at like 3am, and i can hear the hostess' half of the conversation and deduced that basically this girl on the other end was drunk, depressed, and talking about wanting to kill herself. so then she asks to speak to me... i get on the phone and shes like please please come over here and stay with me tonight. my other friend kind of filled me in on some stuff and i had no idea how fucked up this girl had become. so of course i went.... we talked and cuddled for a while and eventually went to bed, and she put on the cure album "wish"...
and it was scratched in a way that when it got almost right to the end of the song "end", the cd would skip and go right back to the beginning of the song. so basically i listened to robert smith wailing "please stop loving me... please stop loving me... i am none of these things." and some serious get-out-the-razors shit all night in my half concious drunken sleep... and due to the circumstances- watching this poor girl sleeping next to me... it was seriously some of the saddest shit i've ever felt. maybe not THE saddest, but it was all pretty emotional for me.
ANYWAY, by the time i woke up the song was burned in my brain permanently and have literally walked around with it stuck in my head for 2 years... so i finally found out the title and downloaded it (sorry.. please don't tell the riaa on me!) and i've been listening to it constantly..
i never saw that girl again but from what i hear she still has her issues but shes doing ok...

so the girl calls up the house where the party is at like 3am, and i can hear the hostess' half of the conversation and deduced that basically this girl on the other end was drunk, depressed, and talking about wanting to kill herself. so then she asks to speak to me... i get on the phone and shes like please please come over here and stay with me tonight. my other friend kind of filled me in on some stuff and i had no idea how fucked up this girl had become. so of course i went.... we talked and cuddled for a while and eventually went to bed, and she put on the cure album "wish"...
and it was scratched in a way that when it got almost right to the end of the song "end", the cd would skip and go right back to the beginning of the song. so basically i listened to robert smith wailing "please stop loving me... please stop loving me... i am none of these things." and some serious get-out-the-razors shit all night in my half concious drunken sleep... and due to the circumstances- watching this poor girl sleeping next to me... it was seriously some of the saddest shit i've ever felt. maybe not THE saddest, but it was all pretty emotional for me.
ANYWAY, by the time i woke up the song was burned in my brain permanently and have literally walked around with it stuck in my head for 2 years... so i finally found out the title and downloaded it (sorry.. please don't tell the riaa on me!) and i've been listening to it constantly..
i never saw that girl again but from what i hear she still has her issues but shes doing ok...

werd. I hear ya about the h biz... i hate shit like that... one time, someone quoted the stat that 1 out of 4 peeps have it, and this dude was like, its me I have it, I was like, whoa thats cool, ME TOO, I GOT IT, so between the four of us, there was no minority!
It was at a recording session i assisted, and i think the dude who was quoting the stat(in a slightly comical not funny tone) was about to get bitched out by the dude who had the h too, but we all laughed when I was like, oh, meee tooo! aye, its not so bad, valtrex is delishious.l
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