Hello felines! I'm very excited to announce that I've recently come to a very large and important realisation that my life simply isn't what I want it to be right now. At first I was so happy that I seemed to be getting my shit together in the traditional sense, getting steady work and paying rent and bills and drinking three times a week. But that's not it! That's not even close to the amazing beauty and wonder that life and the earth have to offer to every single one of us.
I've been stagnating for a long time, hating myself for a reason I really could not put my finger on. I realise that its because I was completely denying myself the things I want and desire out of life by forcing myself into a lifestyle that doesn't fit my strange soul and free spirit!
That being said, I'm quitting my job and moving to the Yukon for the summer and fall to save money for a trip to Africa for three months, and then after that who knows what I'll do or where I'll go, all I know is that for the first time in years I'm truly happy with myself and at peace.