ok- much more of an even keel today. kind of restful even. still havent cleaned up the place as i should yet- but then my roomies arnt doin much either. im going out hunting for a small building tomorrow as the lack of high speed net here is really getting to me. im pretty sure i will be flying to maui on the 16th or i hope to at any rate. but- thank god im self employed again. i think im just going to have to keep it this way. I to to take over all the time because im used to making the final call. so here i will stay.
Q's O' The D!
1) list the 2 most outstanding moments in your life (briefly)
2) do you have any secret crushes?
3) can you name the formula for how much time its suposed to take to get over a long term?
Q's O' The D!
1) list the 2 most outstanding moments in your life (briefly)
2) do you have any secret crushes?
3) can you name the formula for how much time its suposed to take to get over a long term?
1. Quitting dancing, Falling 15 feet off a ladder
2. No, all my crushes I tell them just about every chance I can. There is, however, a chance that they don't think I'm serious. Maybe it's the delivery? hmmmm?
3. Don't do long term so I couldn't tell ya
Just to let you guys know, Joe's chillin' right now, working on some things, so he says he's sorry he hasn't been on to respond to the thread, but he'll be back in a few days.