Well, everything happens for a reason. even if we are unsure what it is. after over 2 years of working together, the store manager got transferd today- he leves next week.
Our district manager defies reason. he does unethical and illegal things at times to get out of paying employees what they are owed (long long story) as well, if he doesnt like you he gets rid of you.
Mike the manager who is leaving has become a buddy of mine. he is like a little brother to me, some what goofy and way lacking in social skills.
I have almost 18 years management experience in this feild and got hired on in nov 03 as a manager trainee. I had been playing humble employee until we started the official training course. it made me absolutley JONEZ to manage again. Mike and the DM didnt help that because they gave me the same rehtoric they gave the new guys about take charge own the business blah blah blah. so, last month I graduated the stupid course 5th in a 50 store district and highest test score.
the DM doesnt like me because i am a bit out spoken when it comes to employee rights. I demand fairness and orofessionalism. so- im at the bottem of the stck to get a store of my own. I cant believe Im groveling over 40 grand a year when just 4 years ago i took home 250,000 ( im serious no bullshit) but hey- money doesnt really mean shit to me, as long as i can pay the bills, im cool.
my worry is that some kid who has been Kissin the DMs ass with no management exp will show up on monday or tuesday and try to tell me what to do in the store i have been slaving over for 2 years. I WILL have to beat him im sure.
I will scope out the transfer possibilities right away. we shall see
Q's for the WEE hours
1) are you more of a voyeur or exibitionist?
2) is it possible to touch another person other than your partner and NOT have it be cheating? ( we are going to assume your partner doesnt know)
3)on a scale of 1-10 your sex drive on an average day is?
4) ok now lets see how honestly we answer this. you find a wallet on the ground. inside is 60 bucks a DL several credit cards, a social card, all kinds of costco cards etc etc. what do ya do?
I need a new roomie! anyone need a place?
(11:24am) just off the phone with that punk ass DM who offered me some kind of vague position at some other store- so i needled his ass (as any rebel shit disturbin employee should) and he told me he needed me to stay with the new manager for afew weeks, when i said who is this guy? he admited it would be some kid who is just getting his first crack at managment. I said "HELL NO!" well more like "um no, that doesnt work and i will tell ya why" i could tell i irritated the shit out of him- but he did try to thank me for my honesty as he grited his teeth. but i stood up to the guy that no one stands up to. I mean after all he used to be a software enginer. i have always hated those damn code writers LOL
Our district manager defies reason. he does unethical and illegal things at times to get out of paying employees what they are owed (long long story) as well, if he doesnt like you he gets rid of you.
Mike the manager who is leaving has become a buddy of mine. he is like a little brother to me, some what goofy and way lacking in social skills.
I have almost 18 years management experience in this feild and got hired on in nov 03 as a manager trainee. I had been playing humble employee until we started the official training course. it made me absolutley JONEZ to manage again. Mike and the DM didnt help that because they gave me the same rehtoric they gave the new guys about take charge own the business blah blah blah. so, last month I graduated the stupid course 5th in a 50 store district and highest test score.
the DM doesnt like me because i am a bit out spoken when it comes to employee rights. I demand fairness and orofessionalism. so- im at the bottem of the stck to get a store of my own. I cant believe Im groveling over 40 grand a year when just 4 years ago i took home 250,000 ( im serious no bullshit) but hey- money doesnt really mean shit to me, as long as i can pay the bills, im cool.
my worry is that some kid who has been Kissin the DMs ass with no management exp will show up on monday or tuesday and try to tell me what to do in the store i have been slaving over for 2 years. I WILL have to beat him im sure.
I will scope out the transfer possibilities right away. we shall see
Q's for the WEE hours
1) are you more of a voyeur or exibitionist?
2) is it possible to touch another person other than your partner and NOT have it be cheating? ( we are going to assume your partner doesnt know)
3)on a scale of 1-10 your sex drive on an average day is?
4) ok now lets see how honestly we answer this. you find a wallet on the ground. inside is 60 bucks a DL several credit cards, a social card, all kinds of costco cards etc etc. what do ya do?
I need a new roomie! anyone need a place?
(11:24am) just off the phone with that punk ass DM who offered me some kind of vague position at some other store- so i needled his ass (as any rebel shit disturbin employee should) and he told me he needed me to stay with the new manager for afew weeks, when i said who is this guy? he admited it would be some kid who is just getting his first crack at managment. I said "HELL NO!" well more like "um no, that doesnt work and i will tell ya why" i could tell i irritated the shit out of him- but he did try to thank me for my honesty as he grited his teeth. but i stood up to the guy that no one stands up to. I mean after all he used to be a software enginer. i have always hated those damn code writers LOL
1) are you more of a voyeur or exibitionist?
voyeur, closeted exhibitionist.
working on flipping that around, for many reasons!
2) is it possible to touch another person other than your partner and NOT have it be cheating? ( we are going to assume your partner doesnt know)
i think any of the touching in those zones, or sexual energy play that extends beyond light flirting could be construed as cheating, from the first time onward. was just thinking about this w/a friend who brought up that idea.
3)on a scale of 1-10 your sex drive on an average day is?
these days? 8. this has changed drastically as my depression's lifting.
4) ok now lets see how honestly we answer this. you find a wallet on the ground. inside is 60 bucks a DL several credit cards, a social card, all kinds of costco cards etc etc. what do ya do?
return it. i find that when you do that kind of thing the universe makes sure you're taken care of, too. plus if you steal 60 bucks from something or somewhere i can almost guarantee you will lose 60 bucks in some other way (a parking ticket, a flat tire, etc.). you don't come out ahead when you rip shit off.
good luck finding a new roomie, Sweet one.