Fucking mean girls. Don't you just love em? Goddamn asshole know it all conceited bitchass cunt. GO FUCK YOURSELF (more than you already have to on a weekly basis).
that's all. carry on.
i wish a bitch would.
that's all. carry on.

i wish a bitch would.
I've known you on here for a while. Years now, literally. You've called me when shit was really bad. We've talked at length. I read every single blog you put up, and half of them are like this. This is a cycle. You're on top of the world, then you're at the bottom, then you're awesome, then you're not, then everyone's a hater, then you're feeling great, then it's "fuck that bitch who did whatever..." It's a gross cycle.
You want some good advice? Advice that will make your life immeasurably better, easier, and less stressful, coming from someone who genuinely likes you and wants to see your life get better?
All these people who keep giving you grief over and over again? Don't ever talk to them ever again, more than you absolutely have to. Just drop it. I don't care who did what to who and when, just drop it. I don't care if you think you're right (trust me, they don't share that opinion), just drop it. You don't have to prove anything to anyone (and you aren't going to change anyone's mind). It's not worth it.
Stop surrounding yourself with the same type of people. I guarantee you that you've been moving from person to person for however long your life has been like this, and if you stop to think about it, the people you're surrounding yourself with are the same type of person. Same type of person, over and over, doing the same kinds of shit, over and over. Drama makes drama, and the only way to put it to an end is to completely extract yourself from that kind of environment. You contribute just as much to it as they do, by participating in it.
Just stop. Get out. This won't ever go away until you do.
On a more positive note, since I haven't made a good blog in awhile. I've found some way greener pastures and am heading there. OH fuck. What have I done now, except show the SG world that my life is still that same rollercoaster of great and then shitty. Not everyone can be as even keel as you, it's something I'll work on. In the mean time I'm going to keep impulsively posting whatever I want. Thanks.